Mental Health Services

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Allsorts Youth Project (Brighton & Hove)

Brighton & Hove

Allsorts Youth Project listens to, supports & connects children & young people under 26 who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans or unsure (LGBTU) of their sexual orientation and/or gender identity.

01273 721211

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Back on Track Brighton and Hove

Brighton & Hove

Back on Track provide support to families when a parent is drinking too much.

01273 293966

VIEW about Back on Track Brighton and Hove

Be OK: Youth Mental Health

West Sussex

This service helps young people 16 to 25 get ahead in life by learning to cope with their mental health, learning new skills and gaining confidence.

Crawley - 01293 534782 or Mid Sussex - 01444 416391

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BeOK: West Sussex Mind

West Sussex

Advice, information and support if you find you are struggling with your mental health and live in Worthing, Adur, Chanctonbury, Chichester, Midhurst, Littlehampton or Bognor Regis.

0300 303 5652

VIEW about BeOK: West Sussex Mind

Brighton & Hove Wellbeing Service

Brighton & Hove

If you are feeling low, anxious or stressed and it's making getting on with school, work or everyday life hard, you can contact us for free local help.

0300 002 0060

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Brighton and Hove e-wellbeing service

Brighton & Hove

If you are feeling low, anxious or stressed and it's making getting on with school, work or everyday life hard, you might want to try our free online counselling service - e-wellbeing.

0300 002 0060

VIEW about Brighton and Hove e-wellbeing service

Change Grow Live’s Therapeutic Service

West Sussex

Change Grow Live’s Children and Young Persons Therapeutic Service is a county wide service commissioned by WSCC Public Health that provides up to 12 weeks of play/arts-based therapy and counselling to children and young people affected by parental substance use.

07392 317151/ 0300 303 8677 option 1

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Chat Health

Brighton & Hove

The service is for anyone aged 11-19 at secondary school looking for confidential advice on issues such as bullying, emotional health and wellbeing, sexual health as well as illnesses.


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Chat Health

West Sussex

The service is for anyone aged 11-19 at secondary school looking for confidential advice on issues such as bullying, emotional health and wellbeing, sexual health as well as illnesses.

07480 635424

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Counselling Directory (Brighton & Hove)

Brighton & Hove

Counselling Directory is a resource hub which enables individuals struggling with their emotional well-being to find a qualified and insured counsellors.

0333 325 2500

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Counselling Directory (East Sussex)

East Sussex

Counselling Directory is a resource hub which enables individuals struggling with their emotional well-being to find a qualified and insured counsellor.

0333 325 2500

VIEW about Counselling Directory (East Sussex)

Counselling Directory (West Sussex)

West Sussex

Counselling Directory is a resource hub which enables individuals struggling with their emotional well-being to find a qualified and insured counsellor.

0333 325 2500

VIEW about Counselling Directory (West Sussex)