Mental Health Services
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i-Rock East Sussex
Age range: 14-25
Location: East Sussex
About the service
Young people aged 14-25 are invited to drop-in and access support when they need it. A dedicated project worker will greet you and take time to listen to your concerns. The project worker witll help you think about the options available and support you to make an informed choice about your preferred pathway. Where possible, services are co-located in i-Rock so that you can be transitioned rather than signposted. Young people can access any number of services to meet their wider needs. No young person is turned away and all young people are offered support. Where other services are not appropriate or desirable young people can access brief interventions within i-Rock.
Due to covid-19 we are currently offering our service via telephone, email or virtual clinic (like facetime), we are also posting lots of information on our social media sites and broadcasting Instagram lives on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 4.30pm
How to access this service
Anyone can access the service by emailing the team at