Mental Health Services
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Allsorts Youth Project (Brighton & Hove)
Age range: 5-25
Location: Brighton & Hove Tel: 01273 721211

About the service
Allsorts provides emotional and wellbeing support to children and young people This consists of one to one support or access to groups.
The groups which we run currently are: (note these are online due to the current lock down measures)
Monthly -Kids group 5 to 11 years for Trans and gender questioning
Monthly -Transformers 16 to 25 years for Trans and gender questioning
LGBTU 16 to 25 years weekly group
LGBTU 11 to 15 years Fortnightly group
Allsorts also provides an advocacy service for LGBTU Young people 16 to 25 year olds in Brighton and Hove. Young people who are needing support to express themselves in relation to their needs.
Allsorts services are now on virtual platforms For Example service users have the opportunity to take part in Groups/One to one/ Via zoom or Email and phone
How to access this service
Anyone can refer to our service as long as they have the young persons permission. Allsorts also takes on self referrals
Information on how to access this service can be found on the Allsorts website: