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West Sussex Young Carers Service

Age range: 0-17

Location: West Sussex       

About the service

All young carers under the age of 18 have a right to ask us to carry out an assessment, regardless of who they care for, what type of care they provide, or how often they provide it. When we receive a referral the manager of the service will decide what level of support is needed and how quickly. Someone from the team will then contact your parent/carer and you to discuss things in more detail and understand what is going on, looking at the strengths, challenges and areas for support for each person in your family.

We may offer you regular activities with other young carers during the school holidays, someone to talk to about your caring role, support to talk to key people at school and maybe to your friends, help you to understand the illness or disability which the person you are helping to look after may have.

All contact with young people and families is currently taking place over the phone due to Covid-19.

How to access this service

Any adult can refer into our service with consent from your family – a teacher, a social worker, another professional, your own parent or guardian. A referral form can be requested by emailing – [email protected]