Mental Health Services

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Age range: 14-26

Location: West Sussex        Tel: 07490 447333

About the service

ESTEEM runs a free Drop-in on Monday and Wednesday from 6-8pm where you can meet new people, take part in creative, fun activities and share ideas. This is currently run via ZOOM online. ESTEEM also offers volunteering opportuntities, with roles such as media assistants, fundraisers and events orgnisers, though we are not recruiting new volunteers until after lockdown. You can still apply for post-lockdown via our website. We offer training and mentoring which helps you get the job or education that really means something to you. ESTEEM tailors our wellbeing services to suit individuals, our counselling sessions are reviewed after 8 weeks but can continue if needed.

How to access this service

Young people can refer themselves via the Youth Opportunties section on the following website: Housing, Social and other youth support services refer to us using our referral form from: [email protected].