CYP Mental Health Digital Review
In partnership with Kent Surrey Sussex Academic Health Science Network, we have developed a Pan-Sussex Children and Young People’s (CYP) Mental Health Digital Review to provide valuable insight into how young people experience digital mental health platforms.
This youth-led research study involved extensive feedback from young people, enabling a strong youth voice and presence within the recommendations for future improvements for how digital services are delivered.
To ensure a wide range of young people’s voices were heard, this study included distribution of a Sussex-wide survey to over 80 young people, a youth-led Digital Wellbeing Event, and a focus group from Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust’s Youth Research Café.
Some of the key recommendations gathered by the CYP Mental Health Digital Review are:
- More online support for 18-25 year olds
- Raise awareness within education
- Create links between digital, education, and creative sectors
- Ensure promotion of diversity and inclusion
- Consider accessibility of content and services